Since 2017, Jasmine has educated the public on the human and environmental threats of nuclear weapons, advocated for justice and healing for nuclear weapons victims, and strategized to re-build the U.S. nuclear weapons abolition movement.

Jasmine Owens is a nuclear weapons abolitionist, writer, educator, organizer, and trained Death Doula. She brings an extensive background in nuclear weapons with her master’s in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, and her professional experiences at Win Without War, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Outrider Foundation, Council on Strategic Risks, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, and ReThink Media.

Rooting her advocacy and expertise in the Black Radical Tradition and Indigenous teachings, Jasmine seeks to transform justice movements to be more authentically intersectional, equitable, imaginative, and sustainable.

As a trained death doula, Jasmine is interested in public education on the revolutionary act of dying a good death as a medium for transforming our relationships with death, a necessary undertaking in building liberated futures.